A Thankful Thanksgiving & A Joyful Christmas

A Thankful Thanksgiving & A Joyful Christmas

Bring Joy this Holiday Season

God is using CLC to care for His People outside our four walls.

We did not go looking for something to do. No Committee sat around a table searching for ways to help people. As Pastor, I did not decide we should do this.

Our vital ministry arose out of a need to care for God’s children in the Millvale community. God called. We answered.

As we approach the Holiday season, we are being asked to serve others in two ways:

  • That we provide Thanksgiving for the families who have been coming to CLC for food. That we assist in families having a joyful Christmas.
  • We already have received one generous donation for turkeys. Shop N’ Save is assisting us by providing turkeys at $1.20 per pound.You can contribute at worship (a donation box will be placed in the lobby), by donating on our website clcmillvale.com, thru the mail, or stopping by the office.

Also, we have been asked to provide for “three wishes” by the residents of two group homes in Millvale. We also want to talk to the families who come to CLC for food to see how we can help them have a joyful Christmas.

More details on our Christmas ministry will be forthcoming.

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